Make my fries French! I remember walking around the village for hours. After a while all I wanted to do was sit down and eat. VeryBusy and I found a Hamburger place that was packed. I mean it was heaving with people. And New Yorkers are fussy people. They enjoy their food so if the place was packed it was good. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the food. The first bite into my burger was had me hooked and I gobbled the remaining burger quickly. I felt much better after that. Merci New York.
Hannukah cup-cakes. For the religious and sweet-toothed. It was Hannukah so how could I resist. I just love the image. It is so New York. The cupcake that celebrates Hannukah. Toda New York.
Doughnuts (or Donuts as American's say).
Glazed are the best one. No sugar. No jam-filled. Give me anything.